Welcome to

Divardy Bakery Service

Consistent industrial baking processes that minimize your cleaning and maintenance intervals, and that offer reliable productivity benefits – if that’s what you need, then read on, get inspired and get in touch with us. Your unique processing needs are our starting point to develop tailor made solutions that drive your future success.

Our Expertise – Your Results

For a quarter of a century now, DBS has been developing, optimizing, and maintaining the best tailor-made industrial bakery equipment on the market. Our proof of quality is your long-term performance. 

You’ll be surprised to find out how much of our acquired expertise goes into engineering, constructing and delivering your tailor-made bakery equipment. You’ll be even more surprised to learn about our competitive pricing. We just love to continually optimize performance results, and we therefore gladly invest in a deep understanding of your unique processing needs.

This is how we maintain our leading position in the bakery equipment market:  

Mutual Understanding 

At DBS we understand that your bakery machinery is a vital success factor in a highly competitive market. After all: the daily performances of your food processing machines define your long-term business results. Our craftsmen at DBS know that every single industrial baking process is unique. That’s why they make sure to first reach a firm mutual understanding of your productivity goals. This approach enables us to guarantee truly consistent, reliable, and excellent performances. 


Do you want high performance and a tight grip on your total cost of ownership? Do you want to feel confident to have the best possible solution for your unique processing needs? 

Feel free to explore this website and share your needs with us: 
0343 523880 / info@divardy.nl